------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dee and Katherine plan to travel to the present and bring Sophie to 1608. Since, bringing back a human in time would greatly affect the time continioum, they must transfer her baby into Katherine.
Doctor Dee and Katherine explain to Sohpie their plan to transfer her baby into Katherine's uterus and bring it to 1608. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Fleet Street, April 2020
Let's go find Sophie.
Sophie's house, 2020
Sophie, stop!!!
This baby is wanted by Marlowe and Walsingham for being Sam's daughter. He is a magic heir. As long as they know she is alive; they will come for your daughter.
If is seems as if it is my child, they will never suspect it is the magic heir. This way, after my father dies, your daughter can take his and Sam's place defending their secrets.
Why would I ever give you my baby?
We must go somewhere no one can see us. Follow me.
Okay, fine. Only because you say it is for the safety of my daughter. Please promise me you will take care of her, I may never see her again...