Desert: The definition of a dessert is a location failing to reach a certain level of rain fallAdaptation: Adaptation is when a living organism must change its structure features or behavior to survive in a different biome where it usually wouldn't have at the time of moving.Structural adaptation: structural adaptation is when a livingorganism changes its structure/ body to live in a biome that it couldn't survive in without those changes. Physiological adaptation: is when a living organism must change its cells and internal organs.Behavioral adaptation: Behavioral adaptation is when a living organism changes what it does to increase its survival chances.
links because can't place picture of my chosen plant. And task
This cactus or Saguaros (Carnegiea gigantea) has spikes in place of leaves this is because leaves let water out while spices keep water in and simultaneously act as a defense mechanism to ward off animals.If you open a cactus up, you will find slimy or gooey liquid like materiel inside. that is the sugar that the cactus stores and modifies inside so it doesn't go bad/ diseased.The stems are also way bigger and fleshier than normal plants, this is because it needs to store as much water in it as possible when it get to.This plant can be found in southwestern Arizona, U.S.
The monitor lizard (Varanus) can be found in Australia.The scales that lizards have are there to keep in moister and protect/ camouflage it.Monitor lizards often siphon water from their pray after hunting them.These lizards have been found in groups where water is scares, they hunt to gather to get water.