Bourke Street Public School Year 5 Term 3 Assignment (by Carel Li)
Storyboard Text
ahhhh-hhaaaaaa... breakfast time.
Hurry up Eugene! Have your breakfast.
The virus is everywhere outside and everyone has to stay at home.
Okay, let's log in.
Carel just woke up after a good night sleep.
After a good breakfast, Carel is ready for school.
Okay, got my headset. Let's join the class.
It's nearly 9 o'clock. Carel gets his Chromebook...
...and logs in to Bourke Street Public School's Virtual Reality Classroom using LetsVRtogether.
Good morning 5/6G
Carel puts on his VR headset and is about to start his class.
This is the initial view of the classroom as Carel is putting on the VR headset.
As he joins the VR classroom, Miss Gannon is saying "Good morning" to the class.
Good morning Miss Gannon...hi Hannah!
Good morning Miss Gannon
Hi Carel
Good morning Miss Gannon
This is the view from the front of the VR classroom.
Okay, let's start with spelling.
Well done Carel!
YAY!! time to put the headset away and relax.
Carel is practising his spelling in his exercise book and on his Chromebook.
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At the end of the day, Carel logs out...
...and off comes the VR headset. Now, he'll go and play with Eugene.
163036 - Pixabay - (License Free To Use / No Attribution Required / See for what is not allowed
5310877 - bricketh - (License Free for Most Commercial Use / No Attribution Required / See for what is not allowed