Jesus had fulfilled the promise God made and rose from the dead. After he had appeared to the women, two disciples headed out to Emmaus from Jerusalem with no idea that Jesus had risen from the dead.
While they walked, they talked about everything that had happened with Jesus and the events leading up to it.
Suddenly as they were walking, Jesus had appeared and started walking with them but they were kept from recognizing him. Jesus asked them what they were talking about.
"What are you guys talking about?"
"Are you just a visiter in Jerusalem? "
"Have you not heard what has happened to Jesus?"
They told Jesus to walk with them and they talked about what happened in Jerusalem.
But Jesus had some of his own words to say>>>
"Jesus was a great prophet. He did miracles and spoke great words."
"Don't you know the prophecies of the Messiah? He had to live, suffer, die, and then rise again to save all people."
" But the chief priests handed him over to be crucified. We thought that he would have freed Israel from the Romans."
When they got to the village they were going to, they invited Jesus to stay with them.  
As they were eating, Jesus broke bread, gave thanks and gave it to them. As he did this they realized it was Jesus but he disappeared before their eyes.