Main idea George Washington was one of the virginia representatives and helped with the second congress and thomas jefferson wrote the declaration of independent and then the british finally sufferended
Anazylze At the end of the war the former colonies were under colonies operated under the article of confederation. Each state printed their own money.
Evidence In 1774 and 1775, he was one of Virginia’s representatives at the First and Second Continental Congresses, a group of representatives from the 13 colonies that would eventually become the United States.
Analyze He become one of Virginia’s representatives and at the first and second continental congress was a group of 13 colonies that would become the United States eventually.
Analyze Thomas Jefferson wrote the Dependant of Independant and that 13 colonies became independent states and were now independent and didn't have to follow under British rule.
Evidence After the end of the war, the former colonies operated under the Articles of Confederation, a document that placed most power with the states. For example, each state printed its own money.