Both of you are emotionally negligent towards me. This leads me to become attracted to thrills and excitement as it provides me the warmth that distracts me from my feelings of loneliness. Deep down, however, I still desire love and quality attention.
We, as your parents, love you truly, but we are always busy and tired tending to your physical needs that we tend to find ineffective shortcuts to satisfy your emotional needs. This is a mistake that we will fail to realize until later.
I represent a misfortune in disguise. I shower you with everything you would ever want to entice you to stay in this false reality, but that's just it: a false reality. It will be your own undoing if you choose to stay here rather than face the real world and find ways to help alleviate the problems you're facing. When you realize your mistake, it may be too late for you.
I am finally receiving some love and attention. Something doesn't seem right though, but I enjoy all this nonetheless. It's at least better than my home life. That is, until I fully realize and accept that this is a misfortune in disguise.
We realized that we need to be there for you in all aspects, not just financially, in order for you to grow holistically well. This will also protect you from seeking out other people and things, even false realities, for comfort and happiness, as it is only in the true world, with all its love amidst the harshness, that you will find true fulfillment.
I agree with all those notions! I am also glad that you were able to realize all that, because although I, in myself, must find the courage and strength to face reality, you as my parents still have your responsibility to support and be there for me as your child, as you've described.
You have successfully conquered me and you have escaped your false reality. Although you may still have the possibility to relapse in the future, you will be able to eliminate that possibility if you will always have those around you to love you and keep you company, especially yourself and your loved ones.