King Hrothgar built a mead-hall called Heorot. As a result, he gave feasts to his liegemen also presents to show appreciation for their hard works.
Yehey! Let us eat sumptuous foods and drink.
Tonight is special to commemorate your great works and also for my successful reign. Drink and savor the rest of the evening. Cheers everyone!
They were under attack by the monster Grendel in the mead-hall because of jealousy, hate for noises, and merriment celebration. During at night, Grendel killed and devoured Danish warriors. Then, he carried the men and feasted their bones at his den.
Help, Help us!!The monster is here!!?
Hurry! Let us run now.
GRRR! GRR!You're dead now. HAHAHAHA
My King, what are we going to do now?
King Hrothgar decided to close the mead hall. Seek help from someone who was brave and would defeat the monster.
Hays, let us find someone who can slay Grendel as soon as possible.
Beowulf received the news of King Hrothgar's troubles. He returned the favor so they sailed the whale-road with his 14 bravest and fiercest Geatland companions. After 2 days their voyage was over and reached Danes, especially the tribe of Scyldings.
We would help King Hrothgar to defeat the monster that brought chaos in Danes.
No, I am not afraid of that monster.
They said he was a demon and dangerous. Are you afraid?
Late night, Grendel attacked and killed one warrior who was peacefully sleeping. Beowulf and Grendel had encountered a hand-to-hand combatant. Through the strength and handgrip he tore off the monster's arm from its socket. The monster tried to escape then retreat to his den howling and yelling in agony and fury. He was not able to survive and died.
The hall of Heorot heard the good news and endless joy was evident at that moment . As a reward for Beowulf's heroic bravery, King Hrothgar rewarded him with lavish gifts of gratitude.
My honor and pleasure, My King
Thank You, Beowulf!
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