In this article the main topics are:1. Social awareness2.
It is important to recognizepersonal fitness and wellness, which i why this article is created.
Social Wellness
Stress Eating
Social wellness can be defined as the ability to understand, interact and listen to others. It is important to have good social wellness because it improves how other people see you as well as how you feel about yourself.
It is important to remember that you should be positive , listen, admit to your wrongs and show respect.
A part of social wellness is building and sustaining relationships with those you love.
Mental and Emotional Awareness
Stress Management
Mental awareness is being comfortable with those around you, your surroundings as well as yourself. Emotional wellness is how you react.
There are three stages of stress, alarm, resistance and exhaustion. All of which you should learn to maintain.
A way to deal with stress is through what we call defense mechanisms.
Those mechanisms are :1. Denial2. Escape/fantasy3.Rationalization4.Projection5. Repression6. Identification7.Displacement8. Regression9. Compensation10. Sublimation
Three ways stress effects our eating is by making us overeat and under-eat.
a Serious side effect of stress can be stress eating, which is exactly what it sounds like.
We can avoid this by stocking our homes with healthy eating options and writing positive notes to ourselves.
One of the most important things to learn about wellness is how to manage stress.
Examples of ways to manage stress are:Setting goals for yourselfAvoid negatively talking about yourselfacknowledge your mistakes and take responsibilityRecognize your talents and limitations.