The neighborhood is good enough! There is a restaurant called Tacos4L about 45 minutes away from here that is fantastic. Their tacos are the best ever!
Maybe I should get one after this
In the fourth frame, Andrew is discussing the not so nearby attractions for the neighborhood. We chose for Andrew to undermine the quality of the neighborhood to emphasize his lack of care for the matter of selling the apartment. We also chose for Andrew to be holding his stomach to show the buyers that he is more focused on food than selling the apartment.
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As for the most pressing issue, pricing, I want to discuss inflation. Prices have gone crazy! The other day I paid $60 for gas. Gas!
It is not just that! My college debt is really bad. I will probably have to work for my entire life to pay it off. Not unless I become a billionaire doing...what am I doing again?
In the fifth frame, Andrew is supposed to be discussing the pricing of the apartment. Instead, he is discussing everything but the apartment price. We chose Andrew to practically be covering the entire green apartment in order to show the buyers that he has totally diverted from selling the apartment. We chose for Andrew to look stressed in order to make the buyers a little uneasy in order for them to realize how diverted from selling the apartment Andrew has become.
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Well I am pretty hungry! I think I am going to go get that taco. Anyone can buy this apartment if they want. But, what you should do is go get yourself a taco at Tacos4L
In the sixth frame, Andrew is closing out his ad. We chose Andrew to circle back to the apartment to show the buyers that he never really forgot about it. We also chose for Andrew to end with talking about Tacos4L because it emphasizes to the buyers that Andrew deliberately talked about other topics, like food, because he wanted to interest the audience. Andrew believed that the audience would care more about food than the apartment.