Thanks Antonio. Also, there are basic principles that is involved in the techniques of long-term memory. Can you Identify some of these principle
The second principle is storage. Long-term memory's ability to store information in many brain locations is known as storage. For example, semantic memories like facts are stored in separate parts of the brain than procedural memories like how to ride a bike.
Encoding is one of the principle that is the procedure for gathering data and storing it in long-term memory.
Also, there is retrieval which is the process of moving information from long-term memory to working memory.
A team discovered a unique protein folding mechanism in the endoplasmic reticulum that is required for long-term memory storage (Chatterjee et al., 2022). They also showed that this mechanism is disrupted in a tau-based mice model of Alzheimer's disease, and that restoring this protein folding mechanism cures memory loss in this dementia mouse model.
Recent finding have suggest that the loci technique might help long-term memories even in individuals that have difficulty remembering (Wagner, Konard,
There has been a significant surge in research into the role of memory in imagination and future thinking in recent years. Do u know about any?
I suggest further research be done that understand long-term memory and how it works in different context.
Very good everyone. Based on the research that you have done so far what recommendations would you give to advance long-term memory?
Additionally, study can be done to show how long-term memory can be improved
Studies have shown that there are therapies and experiment ground in long-term memory. Can someone identify one.
Cognitive stimulation therapy includes a variety of activities aimed at stimulating thinking and memory in general, such as discussion of past and current events and themes of interest, word games, puzzles, music, and practical tasks like baking or gardening.
Cognition Stimulation therapy. This is a 14-session, twice-weekly group treatment for persons with mild to moderate dementia that is evidence-based.
It can be concluded that therapy such as cognition stimulation can use to treat individual with Demetria.
In conclusion LTM is a cognitive process that is responsible for storage of past events.
Also it can be concluded that there are three principle that is involved in LTM process these include encoding, storage and retrieval.
Thank you all for being so interacting. we know come to the end of today's lesson. Before we go can be conclude what we have learned.
There are different field in psychology some with similaries to cognitive psychology. However, further research is needed in this field
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