Ordinary World: A young boy named James, lives with his grandparents. James is an ordinary 15 years old boy who is talented and likes to play sports. However, James could not join any of the sports teams. This is because he has to work hard to support his family.
The Call to Adventure: One day, his friends invited Jack to play basketball, and he soon fell in love with basketball. Also, James showed great talent in basketball. His skills improved very quickly, and he had no rival in his neighborhood.
Refusal of the call: Even though he had the ability to make it to the school team he did not even try out for it. If he had to spend his time playing basketball every day, there wouldn't be enough money made to keep his family living.
Meeting a Mentor: After having heard James' background and seeing him play, the basketball coach decided to support him so he could begin his career as a basketball player. The coach desired James to have the opportunity to showcase his skills and talent
Crossing the threshold: After consulting with the coach, James decides to go ahead and attend the basketball trials. James is now embarking on his new journey as a basketball player.
Road of trials: James is accepted into the team, where he meets his teammates and begins team practice. They started off pleasantly, but as they trained and played against other teams, problems and weaknesses began to emerge.