The Grandchild was looking at his grandma writing for a letter. The grandma stopped writing, smiled and said to her grandchild:
“Indeed I am writing about you, however more important than the words is the pencil I am using. I would love you could be the same when you will be a man”.
“Are you writing a story about us? Is it by chance a story about me?”.
The child, looked at the pencil curiously, but could not see anything special.
if you will be able to maintain, will make you a man in peace with the whole world.“It is all in the way you look at things. There are five qualities in that pencil that,
“But . . . it is exactly the same as every other pencil I saw in my life”.
First Quality: you can make big things, but never forget that there is a hand guiding your steps. This hand we call it God, and he will always have to address you towards his will.
Second Quality: sometimes I have to stop writing an use a sharpener. This makes the pencil suffer a little, but at the end it will be sharper. So, learn to bear a little pain because it will make you a better man.