To prepare for my knowledge test, I will go on ICBC's website and study the Learn to Drive Smart guide, then take the practice knowledge test, road signs practice test and Street Sense until I feel adequately prepared for my upcoming test.
I'm going to turn 16 on March 8th! This also means I am ready to get my BC Driver's license! The first step I'll need to take is to book the knowledge test and go through a vision screening to get my L. I'll book my knowledge test a day after my birthday, and prepare 2 weeks in advance so I have enough time to study.
When I arrive at the ICBC licensing office for my knowledge test, I remember to bring two pieces of accepted ID, like a Canadian Passport and School ID. I also have a signed and witnessed parent/legal guardian consent form as I am under 19, I could also just have my parent come with me. I make sure not to forget the $15 fee per test and am ready to pass my L. To pass it I will need 40/50 right on the multiple choice test and if I don't I can retake it in just 7 days
Once I've passed my knowledge test and did the vision screening I will get my L. As a learner, I'll have to drive with a qualified supervisor and follow the restrictions printed on my license. I'll make sure to follow them, to not pay a penalty or extend the time I spend in graduated licensing. Once I've been a learner for at least 12 months and have at least 60 hours of driving experience logged on the ICBC Driver Experience Log, I can take a road test and graduate to a novice license. While driving as an L I will always make sure my L sign is displayed on the back of my car.
In the L stage I can even take the ICBC approved (GLP) driver course! During which I will have atleast 16 hours of in-class instruction and atleast 12 hours instruction on the road. If I complete the driving training I can receive six months off my N stage, given I am a safe driver with no at-fault crashes, driving violations or prohibitions. It will even give me two grade 11 high school credits.!
I am now ready to take my road test as I've had my L for at least 12 months and have stayed prohibition-free. To practice I've had lots of on-road driving with a qualified supervisor and read Tuning up for Drivers, Learn to Drive Smart, took Street sense and road sign practice test. On the Class 7 Road test, I will demonstrate my different driving skills in a safe and controlled manner. If I don't pass on my first try I can take the test again in 14 days. As a Novice I will have a green N sign to replace my red L and will have new diving restrictions. I am now able to drive alone however, when driving others I can only have one passenger, unless I'm accompanied by supervisor age 25+ with a valid class 1,2,3,4 or 5 license
Since I have taken the ICBC approved (GLP) driver course and met all the other requirements I can take my Class 5 road test after 18 months.