Setting: Otto Von Bismark's House Characters: Otto Von Bismark,Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand von Bismarck,and Wilhelmine Luise Mencken
Hi, I am Otto
Otto Von Bismark was born on April 1, 1815. He was born to Wilhelmine Luise Mencken and Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand von Bismarck.
Just as I expected, the southern side of the German states rallied to Prussia's side.
My majesty., I need your help or especially your army's help to help Prussia defeat Denmark for the provinces of Schleswig and Holstein
Setting: Prussia's PalaceCharacters: Otto Von Bismark, Prussia's King
In 1864, Bismarck encouraged the Austrians to join Prussia in a war with Denmark over the provinces of Schleswig and Holstein.
I must help create this confederation to unite the northern German states
Setting: Otto's HouseCharacter: Otto
Bismarck pushed for the creation of the North German Confederation in 1866, a body that was dominated by Prussia
I have a magnificent Idea. I shall insult the Prussia King but act a French ambassador.
Setting: Otto's HouseCharacters: Otto
In 1870, Bismarck manipulated a note from the French ambassador, suggesting the ambassador had insulted the Prussian king.
Setting: Alsace-Lorraine RegionCharacters: Prussians and French and Germans and Otto
As Bismarck hoped, the southern German states rallied to Prussia's side without any hesitation. France declared war on Prussia. Within a matter of weeks of fighting in the Alsace-Lorraine region, France lost the Franco-Prussian War.
I shall declare this portion of this empire as the German Empire