Weak Leadership of King Louis XVI Marie Antoinette
The King, Louis XVI and the queen Marie Antoinette, had a very weak leadership over France. They had separated the people of their country into 3 estates. 1 being the highest power, 2 being nobility, and 3 all the workers. King Louis XVI would tax the 3rd estate outrageously, and his queen would not stop spending all their riches, which created a cycle of taking money from the poor and using it for their own benefit.
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Ancien Regime and the unfair system of the 3 estates
The ancein regime was the social and political order in France. People were divided into to three groups, first estate were the kings and queens, the second estate the nobility, and the third estate were all the workers. The first and second estates would take advantage of the third estate, making them overpay in taxes, forcing them to be overworked, just all around cruel treatment to the third classes.
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Storming of the Bastille
The Bastille was a medieval French state prison, and a symbol of tyranny/ monarchy. The third estate, or national assembly, had stormed the Bastille, they were violent and angry and causes a lot of damage to the Bastille. Storming of the Bastille began the revolution, the third estate feeling discontent with the monarchy and didn't agree with the way things were at the time.
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Tennis Court Oath and the Creation of the National Assembly
The Tennis Court Oath was a revolutionary act., by the people of the third estate. It was a pledge of life liberty,and to create a constitution. Since they found their usual meeting place locked down, they decided to move to a tennis court to pledge this oath. A little later they decided to throw the third estate, and introduce a new name called the National Assembly. They fought for freedom and equality, in taxes and for more power.
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Women's march on Versailles
The Women's March on Versailles was a gathering of 7,000 Persians, who were angry. They marched for the bread prices, and for political reforms, it was peaceful but also got the point across. The march was a success, and it brought their wants and needs to King Louis XVI's attention.
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Execution of King Louis XVI
The sole cause of King Louis XVI's execution was unfairness he had within his kingdom. By majority everyone wanted to overthrow this king once and for all. So the day came where they executed him with a guillotine, and it was a town performance and many people were happy to see this king go.