The Mountain Men were fur trappers and lived off the land to explore the Oregon Country. They helped with westward expansion by making trails and forts for other American settlers.
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The Oregon Trail
It's too hot out!!
I know it's hot out, we just have to pull through.
The Oregon trail started in Independence, Missouri. The Oregon Trail led west into the newly explored areas. Thousands of people went on this trail through rough terrain, disease, and harsh weather.
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Manifest Destiny
Our government is the best!!
The idea that the U.S is destined by God to expand its territory and spread democracy across the U.S. Americans believed their nation and the government was the best in the world.
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Mexican-American War
I do not like this new war.
Why not?
A war between Mexico and the U.S. The U.S was divided on the war, the North opposed the war, and they viewed it as a way to add slave states. The South and West favored the war. American and Mexican troops clashed.
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Mormons In Utah
This is a great place to build Salt Lake City!
Mormons were members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Was founded by Joseph Smith in NY, in 1830. Believed property should be owned by the common, and allowed men to have more than one wife. Smith was killed by an angry mob in Illinois, 1844. Utah became a state in 1896.
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California Gold Rush
He found gold!
Hey I found some gold.
John Sutter discovers gold on his land in Northern California, 1848. Word spreads everywhere, people from the U.S, Europe, China, Australia, and South America all came to California for the gold rush. The more than 80,000 people who came to California in 1849 were called 49ers. Only a few people got rich off of the gold rush.