Layla and Lidia live in a world that they have known their hole life. They search for food in the night, make clothes out of meatal and rubber, and live with their unapproving parents. In short they live in a broken world with no one to turn to. But one day, while searching for trash Layla finds a lease document that said payment due, With her mothers name on it. But before she has time to ask her mother about ir lidia runs over panting saying. “The T.V. Just come on and their saying how their arresting anyone who breaks the rules or executing them.” This is when they knew president Azazel Kasdeya had taken it to far. 
In order to save her mother from execution for not paying the bills and righting the wrong the president has caused they have decided to try and stop the evil ruler and fix the broken world. So they set out on their journey in hopes for defeating the president and saving the people of what used to be washington. 
After the twins consult they start their journey But, end up running into Laylas boyfriend Josh. Josh strongly advises them to return home. He doesn't what their mother to worry or for Layla to get hurt. After this conversation Lidia tells Layla that he's being over protective and that they will be fine but, Layla still considers returning home and sense Layla and Lidia are twins Lidia won't go without Laylal. So they consider going back home. 
On their way back home them run into a very very old homeless man wearing a general's uniform. Thy find out that he was once a general for the president. He talks to them about his job with the president and how he kicked him out because he was revealing his evil plans to the public. Layla and Lidia are now curious about the pans the president has. The old man tells them his latest plan was to release poisonous gas into the air. He was planning to do this on july 16, they girls are shocked and now more determined than ever to stop the evil president. Before they leave the old man gives the girls a walkie talkie so they can communicate and get advice whenever they need.
They decide to set out on their journey. As they leave they decided they need to stop and get materials so they stop at near but houses and shops and steal whatever they can. After that they decided it was time to go so they head towards the capital so they can defeat the evil president Azazel.
On their way they decide to pick up their best friend Kayah. When they reach kayah’s house she opens the door in hugs them emideately. She decided that she would love to come on the adventure with them to stop president Azazel. As they set out the decided that they might need  distraction for their parents. So they find Josh and try to get him to distract the parents. In the end Josh agrees and heads to the twins house. At this point they have found that Josh and Kayah are allies but the president Azazel Kasdeya is their enemy.
As they approach the government building they decide they need to make a plan. So they divide that kayah will be a distraction while the twins sneak in. this pan did not work the distraction worked but there were guards everywhere and the twins got stopped immediately. As they were being taken in Josh come in a jeep and says jump in. the twins and kayah jump as hard as they can and end up making it to the jeep in time for josh to drive away and save them from execution. 
Josh decides to drive around the building so they can sneak in the back way. As they get inside they slowly creep up the stairs To the president's office. They open the door ready for attack but, BANG BANG BANG. three gunshots josh ran over to layla to protect her but he was to late layla had been shot. Everyone else was fine but layla was bleeding badly and she was starting to form  bruise around the infected area. Josh emedually broke down into tears. As they carried layla out of the building josh remembered that he had medical supplies in the trunk. They rapped laylas leg up and contuined on. They decided to go the same way this time they would be ready. They opened the door to the office slowly hoping he didn't noticed. It worked president Azazel didn't notice. The office was cold and dark with a bright green carpet on the floor he had tons and tons of papers on his desk and he was sitting in his chair. 
Without warning Josh turns around and yells this is what you get for hurting my Girlfriend. The president turns around and yells in pain. Josh had thrown a knife at him right in the chest. Well that takes care of the elephant in the room josh states. So they start to head out of the building they hop in the jeep and drive off. 
Lidia grabs the walkie talkie and yells into it we did it we did it. Congratulations the general says now head home before it gets dark. Layla and lidia first drop josh off at his place. Josh kisses layla and says goodnight girls. Than they drop off kayah. Now it was time to face their mother. They returned home but before they could explain to their mother where they were. Bang Bang. more gun shots.
Lidia looks out the window and they see president Azazel outside their apartment building. Both girls run down stairs and burst out the door. Layla remembers that she had hid a gun under her bed. Layla runs inside and looks everywhere in her room. Finally after 10 minutes she finds it in a box in her closet. She runs outside and hand the gun to lidia. Lidia shots rapid and random. When the shots are done she looks up and sees that president Azazel is laying on the floor dead for good. All of the neighbors come outside and start to cheer including her mother. They had done it they have defeated president Azazel. 
All of a sudan over the PA system they hear can Layla and Lidia please come to the government building. Layla and Lidia freeze. They thought they were going to be executed. They walked very slowly to the government building. Along the way people cheered and clapped. But none of that mattered all the girls could think about was what they were going to do to them. When they got to the government building they were led into a office with some papers. They were told to sign the papers. They did and then everyone shouted CONGRATULATIONS. You are now the new presidents. The twins jumped for joy. Now they will bring peace to their country. 
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