Pariswas a prince of Troy, he was the most handsome man, Helen, the wife of Menelues a Greek king, was a the most beautifulwoman. Paris thought that him and Helen should be together so he kidnapped her.
Menelues and his people were determined to get Helen back. Menelausgathered his army and went off for battle.
the Greeks sailed to Troy and went to war but could not get past the walls.
the War lasted for ten ten years, until one day a great warrior named Odysseus came up with the idea of the Trojan horse, and under the leadership of Epeuis they built the wooden horse in three days
the Greeks left the wooden horse on Trojans shores with an elite force of Greek warriors in its belly inside and one warrior named Sinon stayed to give the Trojans a message,the rest of the army sailed of to nearby islands, the Trojans came out to see what was going on, and found the Wooden horse with Sinon at its side, he gave the message and the trojans pulled the horse into the city as a trophie.
during the night the greeks came out of the trojan horse and open the city gate so that the greeks who had sailed back to troy could come in this plan worked and the people of troy were killed, Helen and Meneleus were reunited and went back to greece.