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Great Pacific Garbage Patch

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Great Pacific Garbage Patch
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  • I'm so bored...
  • Let's go to the beach!
  • Thank you Holly! The beach is very interesting and fun!
  • But.. This place is very dirty. Have you learnt about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch?
  • Oh yes! The Great Pacific Garbage Patch or GPGP is the largest accumulation of ocean plastics in the world.
  • It also has 1.8 trillion pieces of plastic and is 3 times the size of France. The weight is around 100,000 tonnes.
  • Microplastics are sometimes indegested by fish and other marine life.
  • Now I understand the threat of plastics to marine life! Marine debris can be VERY harmful.
  • George is bored and Holly suggests that they go to the beach.
  • Sometimes, seals and other mammals get trapped in forgotten fishing nets. A phenomenon known as ghost fishiing.
  • Sometimes, loggerhead sea turtles mistake plastic bags for jellfishes and eat them. And albatrosses mistake plastic resin pellets for fish eggs and feed them to their chicks which die due to starvation or ruptured organs.
  • They arrive at the beach and Holly spots that the beach is very dirty.
  • Finally!
  • They discuss about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
  • We must all take this issue very seriously as 90% of animal habitats are in the ocean. Scientists have estimated that the ocean will be 50% fish, 50% plastic by 2030.
  • So take a part, and make an animals day!
  • They discuss about the threat of plastics to marine life.
  • They discuss more about this topic.
  • After some time, George and Holly finished cleaning the beach.
  • George and Holly are spreading awareness about the removal of plastics.
  • Due to George and Holly's initiative, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch was cleaned by 2050.
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