I have been informed that there is a disease spreading. How are we planning on managing this current situation?
The Minister of Health and the Mayor meeting regarding the spread of an infectious disease.
Yes, I have assigned a task team to collaborate on research so we can have a way forward with regards to vaccination and the spread of the disease.
I wonder what the incidence rate of this virus is, we will need quantitative data for the numbers!
Maybe we can do focus groups or interviews with the community.
I wonder how the community feels about this virus and what their attitude is towards vaccination?
The research task team agreed on conducting a Mixed Methods study in which they will use the Explanatory Sequential design to collect Quantitative data in the form of surveys and Qualitative data in the form of interviews.
I think we need to use quantitative research methods to create a plan of action with regards to this virus.
Yes, I agree we should use a Mixed Methods study to decide the best way forward.
YES I know how a vaccine works. I learnt about vaccines on Facebook.NO I don't want the vaccine!!
500 Participants signed a consent form to participate in the survey which was conducted in the community hall. 1000 participants completed an online survey, they also signed a consent form online. Therefore there was a total of 1500 participants.
The survey also had more questions regarding knowledge about vaccines, and the participants' vaccine knowledge was rated on a scale from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent)
WWW.VACCINE.CO.ZAonline survey questions 1. Do you know how a vaccine works?2. You learnt about vaccines from which source?3. Do you want to vaccinate?4. Do you trust the vaccine?
YES I know how a vaccine works. I learnt about vaccines at the local Clinic. Oh YES I want the vaccine.
YES I know how a vaccine works. I learnt about vaccines on Twitter. Oh NO I don't trust the vaccine.
Each variable % was calculated by dividing the statistical data of each variable by 1500 (total number of participants) then multiplying by 100
65% of participants had a low score regarding the knowledge of how vaccines work.70% of participants were hesitant to vaccinate.60% got information about vaccines from social media. 75% of participants do not trust the vaccine.
Quantitative data analysis
We need to do further research by collecting qualitative data in order to get in-depth understanding about vaccine hesitancy and lack of knowledge about vaccines.
The results obtained from the surveys indicate that majority of the participants lack knowledge about vaccines and that they are also hesitant to get vaccinated. Furthermore, most of them relied on social media as a source of information about vaccines.
Quantitative data clearly indicates high scores of vaccine hesitancy, lack of vaccine knowledge and vaccine mistrust cohorts. Let us utilize this numerical data to understand the relationship between causative and outcome; to understand their perceptions and lived experiences.
Let us obtain permission from participants, in addition will purposely select participants who are hesitant and lack vaccine knowledge; and those who do not trust the vaccine as our study sample.
The questions will be as follows:Have you been vaccinated before?What vaccine experiences do you have? What are your thoughts about vaccines?Why are you hesitant to vaccinate?Why are you not trusting the vaccine?
Great, we shall collect data through interviews, focus group, audio recordings to help explain and explore their opinions and phenomenon with regard to vaccines.
We completed data collection. Themes, transcriptions, audio recordings are important elements to analyse our data.
Results indicate that many participants feel hesitant to vaccinate owing to conflicting messages and there is lack of education about vaccines.
Themes identified:1. People still get diseases after vaccination.2. Side effects are not clearly explained.3. People die even when vaccinated.4. Our forefathers lived long without being vaccinated.