Channel:face to faceMessage:talking about going into the waterEncoding: Going into the waterexternal noise: the waves coming to shoreFeedback: Receiver is agreeing with the sender
Are you sure? That's so kind of you! Sure I am on my break right now. Should we hop in the water right now
Yes lets go swim in the water
I agree! I hope we don't get stung by jellyfish, haha!
Channel:face to faceMessage: Theyre going out of the waterEncoding: The sender telling the receiver how they haven't been at the beach in yearsInternal noise: How the ocean water is so blueFeedback: Receiver is agreeing with the sender
This was so fun I am so glad we became friends! Let's do this again some other time
2 hours goes by....
Of course lets get out of the water im so tired
Channel:face to faceMessage: Saying goodbye to each other after the long daydecoding: Both of them understanding to hangout next weekexternal noise: seagulls chirpingFeedback: Agreeing to hangout next week
Thank you so much for inviting me to hangout with you guys! I hope we can do this again next week? You guys made my day!
Anytime this was so fun thank you for being our friend goodbye!