I'm sorry, we just can't hire you. You don't have the personality we're looking for.
Maybe if you had a personality test to represent yourself a bit better we could reconsider.
Well it looks like this business uses personality tests to see if applicants are a good fit so I should go get one so I can prove myself
Huh, this guy just didn't get the job because of his personality.
Hello, I would like one of your finest personality tests please.
But of course my fine gentlemen.
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory1. I love working for people... True False2. I love working in offices... True False3. I am incredibly aggressive... True False4. I am so open to new ideas... True False
Oh I know how I should answer this so I totally land that job.
Now that I have this personality test to show how much of an organized, trustworthy, calm, imaginative, and social worker I am, they'll have to hire me. That's solid endpoints on all 5 big personality factors!
As you can see from this personality test, I am a perfect fit for this job. When do I start?
Woah now, this is a Self-Report inventory. And while it is very valid and reliable, it seems that you intentionally answered some fake good answers to appear better than you are
Here, we only accept Projection testing personality tests because they test your unconscious mind through your projections.
They will allow us to better understand your feelings and impulses, so come back with one of those results and we'll go from there.
They wanted a projection test instead?
Here, I can give you the adult version of the Rotter Incomplete Sentence Blank test made by Julian Rotter in 1950
Woah, we're getting deep real fast with these questions.
Complete these sentences:I feel...I regret...At home...My greatest worry...
Here are those projection test results you asked for.
Great! This test allowed me to see that you desire stability, struggle with late nights, and are afraid of commitment... aren't we all.
So what does all of that mean for me?
It means you're hired!
Just be ready, like many businesses, we retest you with these personality tests every 2 years.
And next time we're going to ask for the Thematic Apperception Test so we can test for your unconscious social world, hopes, interests, and goals.