Max is sent to Ms.Addision about a request from the parole board about his dad but he tells her he doesn't want to hear it. At lunch when Freak is eating American chop suey and he chokes and has to get hospitalized. He comes back home and Gwen says he isn't allowed to go out of the house but Max feels relieved that Freak is back and he is okay.
Rising Action
Grim and Gram get stressed because they find out Killer Kane is out of jail and they think he might come for Max. One night Max is in the basement and he gets kidnapped by killer Kane. Killer Kane takes him to Loretta Lee's house and then to a basement in a broken into house where he gets mad at Max because Max says he know that Kane killed his mom.
Max's dad gets arrested and put back in jail and is going to go back on trial. After this, Freak has a seizure and goes back into the hospital on his birthday. He has to get an operation and he gives Max a blank notebook so that Max can write down their adventures despite his dyxlexia. He always knew he was going to die and the robotic body story was just a cover-up so Max didn't get sad.