Hey Leon, read away, let's start with the most important things first. Anything labeled urgent today?
Welcome back Zack! Would you like me to read you your messages or would you like to read them yourself?
Hold on, THE president? Like of the United States?
Incoming call from the head of Presidential Security. Message loading...
Mr. Feldman, my name is Thomas Murphy. Director and Cheif of the Presidential Secret Service.
Um, hello sir.
I'll get right to the point Mr. Feldman, the government has been watching you for some time now and we know you are the best in the business. We've seen you code an artificial chat bot to detect and target sex traffickers, we've read your report on artificial intelligence police robots, and we are very familiar with your ZackBot, that has helped save over 2 million people from data and identity theft.
Son, we have come to you in a time of desperation. The information you are about to receive is highly confidential and you are forbidden to disclose the contents of this agreement. You are under direct orders from your President and your country to save your planet.
Early yesterday, Earth experienced an alien robot invasion. From what we can tell, these are some kind of super robots capable of mind control and mass destruction. It appears these robots can control large portions of the population to attack countries and steal their resources. The U.S. is top on their list.
5 Days Later...
This is an image one of our drones picked up from China this morning. As you can see, their red eyes indicate they are under mind control.
Mr. Murphy, I gotta tell you, this is a lot to process. The only way something like this could work is if someone was working the controls from inside the robot. Someone would have to be inside the super suit manually entering the code.
Mr. Feldman, we need you to design a replica robot built with the same code, capable of rewiring the invading robots to respond to our commands. Is this something you can do?
I know this may come as a shock son, but we have no time to waste. Can you or can you not build the robot and will you agree to manually work the robot from inside? We need your answer now and we need you to start right away.
Right away sir! I'll let you know when we're ready to ship out.
Mr. Murphey, I will agree to do this under 1 condition. Anything I create for the purpose of saving the world will be owned by Zack Enterprises... and I get to keep the super suit.
Fine Mr. Feldman, if you can create it, you can keep the super suit. JUST GET IT DONE!
That wasn't so hard, now I just have to try it on.
Let's take this baby out for a test drive.
Perfect fit! Leon, I have installed your core drive in the suit. You should be able to help me operate it.
Greetings Zack. Compatibility check complete. All systems are a go.
Excellent. Leon, Boost us up to 90% capacity and let's see what we can do
WOOHOOOO! YEAH! How you like me now Elon Musk mother f*cker!!
Woah woahhhhh
Zack, Suit is currently at 30% capacity. GPS navigation activated, where would you like to go?
Zack, there is an incoming call from Mr. Murphey.
(Mr. Murphey on the phone): Mr. Feldman, we have confirmed a robot sighting in New York City. We need an update son, tell me you've made progress.
Quickly Leon, patch me through!
Yes Mr. Murphy! I have completed the suit but haven't had enough time to run diagnostics tests!
(Mr. Murphey on the phone): The coordinates are 40.7128° N, 74.0060° W. We have evacuated most of the population in the general area and the U.S. guard is on standby. Get there quickly and keep us updated!
I can't say for certain, but I am willing to try. What are the coordinates of the invading robots?
You heard him Leon! Let's go!
Right away Zack. Arrival time is set for 4 minutes and 36 seconds from now.
Wow, this is amazing! I should have created this suit a long time ago. Would've saved me a fortune on airfare. Leon I think I see something down there! Let's get closer, but stay hidden, we don't know how responsive these things are.
I think there's a whole squad of them right behind this corner Leon. Let's wait for one to wander this way.
Okay here goes nothing.. Using my mind control code I am going to try to re-write the code of this bot.
IT WORKED! Leon take me up to the top of the building and get Mr. Murphey on the phone!
Mr. Murphey, I have located the robots and tested the code! It worked and now the robot is under my command. I am going to proceed with the rest of the bots! This is close to over sir.
Yes sir! You heard him Leon, let's go save to world!
Mr. Feldman, this is excellent news. Get to the rest of the bots as fast as you can. Call me when the city is safe.
Leon launch a mass code projection. We're going max power!
It worked! The robots are re-wired and no longer destroying the city. Let's get these bots to re-wire the rest and start getting this place cleaned up!
Leon, let's go check on China and make sure the bots are re-wired and the people are safe.
Everything looks good here! Now get to cleaning robots! Leon, take me back to New York City and get Mr. Murphey on the phone. I think our work here is done.
What happened?
Mr. Murphey, I have successfully re-coded all of the invading bots. I just checked on China and those bots are finishing cleaning up the city and then they will sync up with the rest in New York. The people are a little confused, but safe!
You heard him Leon, back to New York!
Mr. Feldman, you have saved the city and the entire world. The President of the United States wants to thank you for your service. Return to New York. You're a hero Mr. Feldman, and your country is indebted to you.