Let my people go or God will send 10 plagues down on you!
God promised Abraham that he would have many descendants, get his own land, and the whole world will be blessed because of him. Abraham and his wife did not believe him but his promises came true!
The Ten Commandments
Abrahams descendants grew and grew until he had a full nation. They ended up as slaves in Egypt because Pharaoh becomes scared of their numbers growing and feared them taking over.
The Israelites disobey God
Abraham was sent to help the slaves of Egypt become free. Pharaoh disagreed and so God sent 10 plagues down on Pharaoh. Pharaoh became scared of Gods power and let the Israelites go.
The Israelites get kicked out of the promised land
The Israelites travel to Abrahams promised land and it is then when God gives them the ten commandments: Don't worship any other God, don't make idols look like anything in the sky, don't misuse Gods name, remember the sabbath days belong to God, respect your parents, do not murder, be faithful in marriage, don't steal, don't tell lies about others, don't want anything that belongs to someone else.
The Israelites disobey God and so God stops looking after them and lets people invade their homes. The Israelites cry for help and so God send down Judges to help them and after all that the Israelites continue to disobey God.
The Israelites continued to sin after being told the ten commandments and after they saw what God let happen to them. They wait and wait for a king which is what God promised. A king who would rule forever was his words.