When I was younger, a digital camera was gifted to me to capture anything I wanted. I developed my creativity and found internal happiness with my new camera. The development of my creativity just keeps growing as I get older. Every time I look through my camera’s viewfinder, new ideas flash through my head allowing me to capture beautiful moments. The best thing is that there are no rules to your creativity. I wrote this book because I want children to find their own internal happiness and creativity whether it's through a viewfinder or just by reading a book.
Author's Note
"Happy Birthday David! We love you!" My family cheered as I woke up with a smile.
My little brother jumped on my bed and pushed a squared gift box towards me.
“Open your present David !” He exclaimed.
I picked up the box, put in next to my ear, and shook it .
“NOOO!” Everybody yelled.
My eyes widened, and I said, “Why not?”
“Just open the gift” My parents said.
I quickly tore off the wrapping paper and opened the box. “A real camera! Thank you all!”
As soon as I ate breakfast and got dressed, I zoomed out the door with my new camera
The flowers are blooming and perfuming a little extra today.
I lifted the camera up to my face and looked through the little hole.
WOAHHHH is that a tiger? *Click*
I looked up, but there was nothing.
I looked through the viewfinder again… “Unicorns! They are so beautiful!”*Click*
Curiously, I lifted my camera to my face again…What I saw was ASTONISHING.
Dragons, lions, gorillas, and even chinchillas.
My hair was messy, and my eyes got heavy. In a blink of an eye, it began to get dark.
I snuggled up in my bed and peacefully drifted to sleep.
In my dreams, I saw all the animals I had seen earlier today.“Good night birthday boy!“ They all said.
Image Attributions: (https://pixabay.com/en/animal-tiger-cat-amurtiger-2923186/) - Gellinger - License: Free for Commercial Use / No Attribution Required (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0)