Woah, so this KUL Express is offering to import the product to VN for me and then last-mile delivery for my customer & the price is flexible?GREAT!Let's try out!
KUL EXPRESS E-logisttics platform:From A-Z
Gucci Hong Kongto Ms. Han (in Go Vap,VN)
That is really fast and convenient.
KUL Express: Mr. Tin, your package has arrived in VN. Please come to our warehouse to cross check before our last-mile deli <3
Ok, Sir. The receipt will be sent to your email after to delivery is done. You can make online transaction later
The package quality is good and please help to pack it as a gift. I confirm the last mile delivery information. Please send out & make receipt for me
Woah, amazing, KUL has takan care of everything. It's so convenient and affordable.
Total service fee: $$$ has been transacted from your accountThank you for using our service
Your package has been successful delivered to: Go Vap, VN