During the months of being in this class I have learned way more than I had anticipated. An example of something I learned is that there are way more types of primates then I originally thought! Another example is that many different areas of the USA have different dialects. I thought that there was only southern accents, northern, etc. However, it turns out there are a ton more.
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I feel as if there is a lot that I will be using from this class in my future! As of right now I am considering taking up a future in something anthropology related. I am not sure what yet as I have yet to do more research on it, but the idea is quite interesting to me and makes me excited,
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Five years from now I feel as if there will be many different things that I remember from taking this class. One of those things that I feel like I will remember the most will be the discussion posts. I enjoyed reading what my classmates had to say on anthropology related topics while also agreeing or disagreeing with them. I will also remember how much I have learned on topics that I was not as familiar with or even knew at all.