I am a ghost guard and if you guard the fire portal for the rest of the day I will reward you the power of fire.Is that a deal?
It is a secret I shall not tell you.
yes that is a deal!!!
How are you going to award me the power of fire?
Yes you can pay with 1 very special gomogon.
What elemental drink and weapon would you like to buy.They all cost 50 gomogons
Can I please have fire drink and 2 pairs of special ghost shuriken but I don't have enough gomogons I have one very special gomogon can I pay 1 very special gomagon?
OK here is one very special gomogon
Thank you.Bye
Who are you?
I will not let you pass.
I am a ghost.
Take these shurikens.
Why is this ghost here?
He came in through the fire portal while you were in the fire portal.
Destroy him with your shurikens quick!
I will not let you destroy me.
I do not know.All I know is that if someone ate it something happens.
No don't eat it something bad can happen.
Good luck.
Every time a ghost dies magic dust appears where the ghost dies.
You can eat it if you want to but it is very dangerous.
Yes there is a chance of something good happening.
I am going to eat it.
Is there a chance of something good happening
Whats that?
What does it do?
If theres a chance of something good happening I will eat it.
Im going to eat it.
Im excited to eat this.
Why aren't you talking?
Why are you levitating in the air?
Why are you shaking?
Whats happening to you?
Image Attributions: (https://pixabay.com/en/sunset-sky-sun-dawn-clouds-island-3102754/) - jplenio - License: Free for Commercial Use / No Attribution Required (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0) (https://pixabay.com/en/ninja-star-shuriken-weapon-blade-295045/) - Clker-Free-Vector-Images - License: Free for Commercial Use / No Attribution Required (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0)