Ulysses was the King of Ithaca, a man burdened with great wisdom and courage. Ulysses led a crew of soldiers to victory in Troy, ending the Trojan War. Though on their way home, they ran into a series of dangerous obstacles.
When Ulysses and his men were cast ashore on the coast of Sicily, they fell into the hands of a cyclops named Polyphemus. Ulysses and his crew were held captive in the cyclops’s cave until Ulysses came up with a brilliant plan. Ulysses blinded the cyclops, allowing him and his men to escape under the bellies of Polyphemus’s sheep.
As their journey continued, they faced even more obstacles! Ulysses was entrusted with the Four Winds, giving him and his men a chance to get home, but then catastrophe struck, and they were blown off course again. Nonetheless, Ulysses persevered.
After barely escaping the cannibalistic Laestrygonians, Ulysses and his men traveled to the island of Aenea, home of the goddess Circe. There, Circe drugged Ulysses’s men, turning them into pigs. Worried for his crew’s safety, Ulysses followed Hermes’ instructions and was able to overpower Circe, forcing her to change his men back into their human forms.
Before leaving, Circe warns Ulysses of two sirens who live on an island in the western sea between Aeaea and the rocks of Scylla. She advises Ulysses to have his crew stuff their ears with wax so they won’t be able to hear the siren’s songs, for it would lure them to their death. Interested to hear their fabled songs, Ulysses has his crew tie him to the mast of their ship, preventing him from following the sirens to his death.
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