There are a lot of concerns about the future of special education right now. There are some people who say that it is not needed at all! These people often feel that it is stigmatizing, discriminatory, and exclusionary. They call it outdated and a thing of the past. What is their solution, you may ask? Inclusive education, of course!This author doesn't feel there claims should be dismissed. Instead we should look at their claims as potential faults in the system that need to be reformed. Our special education system does not currently need a "revolution" but it does require that we take another look at the foundational ideas behind the laws we have in place protecting it.
One issue with special education is the lack of understanding about disability and education. People look at issues as either an absolute or contingent upon. Special education is not an absolute so then you bring in other questions about the contingencies. A lot of notions people have about special education are that special and general teachers should coteach, that special teachers are not trained adequately, or that special teachers simply aren't needed because they could just show general teachers how to do the job.There is also the feeling that children have of needing to belong. It is important that children feel they belong somewhere but how they can feel this when they are kept separate? There is a lot of mistrust in science right now so when you try to persuade people using scientific evidence, it can be difficult to get them to understand or accept it. We need to stop the devolution of special education and begin the evolution!
Kauffman, J. M. (2022). This one, not that one: Toward revitalizing special education. Revitalizing Special Education, 1–41.
How do we help special education evolve? We start by calling things what they are. We need proper labeling, an understanding of special education, and to call out statements or articles that misrepresent special education. We need to deal with isms while learning from the past. We need to fight against antisciencism and antiintellectualism. We need to build coalistions that are going to give us groups to work towards a free and appropriate education for every student. The more allies we have, the better. Finally, we need to depend on new and younger leaders who come from special education and parents. Those with the experience, intelligence, and willingness to take on this fight for special education.