Chapter 1: Pocahontas lifePocahontas was a daughter of a chief Powhatan . Her mother died during childbirth. Pocahontas was 12 when she became friends with the English.
When Pocahontas became an adult she fell in love with a brave warrior Kokoum and married him. They had a son together .
The Europeans were being so mean to the Native Americans. . A Captain named Samuel even kidnapped Pocahontas.
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Chapter 2: The Captain told Pocahontas's father he will let Pocahontas go if he release the English men that he caught. Instead the captain took Pocahontas to Jamestown
In 1613 in James town Pocahontas was taught Christianity and were proper clothing.
In 1614 Pocahontas met a colonist named Rolfe they feel in love and got married. The wedding was 8 years of peace between the Native Americans and the Europeans. They had a son.
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Chapter 3 : In 1616 after a few years ago Pocahontas and Rolfe were sailing to england.
Pocahontas met the King and Queen in England . The king and queen greeted her in their castle
On their way back Pocahontas got a disease from England the disease was called small pox. The diseases was so strong that Pocahontas died . She died in 1617