Theatre is amazing! I wish I could act in a stage performance....but I am too scared
Take the first step
Drama Club! This looks interesting. Maybe if I sign up, I will gain more confidence to perform
Sign up here for Drama Club!xxxxxxxxx
Fear zone no...I'm not good enough, everyone is so much better. Besides you need me backstage to help out
You should act in the upcoming play 'The Homecoming'
Adam alway like to watch stage performance and he admires the actors. He aspires to be able to perform on stage one day.
Learn zone
It's ok, I understand, I used to be scared too. You can learn and gain confidence with practice! How about you help us rehearse and run lines.
The 'Drama Club' was seeking for the new members to join their club. Adam decided to take the first step out of his comfort zone - he registered with the Drama Club.
Learn zone
Adam feared that he was not good enough to go on stage and he provided many reasons that on why he was not ready. He remained backstage while he continued to aspire he will stand on stage one day.
Growth zone
That was amazing! I want to do more stage performance!
Adam's good friend, Clare encouraged him to take 'baby steps"by learning and expanding his knowledge and skills. She got him to participate and run lines with other team members. Adam started observing them, asked questions and took notes. Over time, he became the understudy for Bob, an actor in the upcoming performance.
ok, I can do that
One day, just an hour before the performance start, Bob accidentally fell and hurt his knee. Bob needed a replacement and strongly recommended Adam to take over his role. Adam panicked and again provided many reasons why he is not suitable. Clare and Bob reminded him that he has been practising and that he is ready. Adam agreed to try as he did not want to let the team down.
Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that Bob. But..I'm not ready..I don't think I can perform tonight..I'm just not good enough yet.
Ok ok..I'll give it a go
Adam, I accidentally hurt my knee! I will not be able to perform tonight, can you help step in for me?
That's not true! Adam, we have seen you rehearse, you are ready! If you are scared, just pretend this is another rehearsal. You can do this!
Adam was terrified but as the spotlights were on him, he started to recall what he had learned. He gained more confident and performed the role well. Adam realised he had be ready much earlier than he perceived. He started doing more roles and gained more confidence.