This is Marie Kendall. She is 15 years old living in Harlem, New York. She is very smart and enjoys school. She wants to grow up and be a lawyer.
I do
I do
After 4 longs years of high school Marie graduated with all honors. She got a scholarship to go to Harvard to study law.
I love this house.
Me too
When Marie went to law school she met Steve. Steve and her dated for 3 years and then Steve eventually proposed to her.
On July 27 Steve and Marie Got married.
I feel so bad for his family.
Soon after they got married they moved into their own house.
Are you Steve Harmon's mother?
A couple years later they ended up having 2 boys. They names one Steve after Mr. Harmon and the youngest boy was names Jeri.
One day I heard about a robbery at a drug store and heard that the owner was killed.
Later that week a couple of cops came to our house and asked for Steve? When they thought Steve had something to do with the murders I didn't even know what to think.
Yes I am.
That night after the cops came to the house I couldn't go to bed. I was wondering if he actually did it. I didn't think he did he was such a good kid who always did good in school and liked sports.
I'm so nervous.
Me too
Im happy to have the family back together again.
Next thing we knew Steve was in jail on case being tried as an adult.
Every day my husband and I went to court and listened to the case. It was a long scary case but in the end Steve came out not guilty.
After the trial Steve got to come back home and we were a happy family again.