Aye mine own mistress. I shall s'rve thee to the most wondrous of mine own ability.
Thy husband is the most wondrous macbeth. Questioneth his manliness and taketh controleth of the planeth.
I wanteth mine own husband to seize this opp'rtunity. But I knoweth not how to encourageth that gent.
Lady Macbeth hurries home feeling better....
Sir and mistress shouldst beest equal.
Aye, thou art right. I shall doth as thee hath said.
After receiving a letter from her husband, Lady Macbeth finds out she can become the crowned Queen of Scotland. Shortly after, she hires a trustworthy secret therapist to help cope with her emotions.
Stayeth halcyon and breatheth. Distract thy mind from thy s'rrow.
I hath kept stout but the demons in mine own headeth art ov'rpow'ring. What shouldst I doth?
Lady Macbeth walk's away trying to get lost in her duties....
Lady Macbeth's first session is one day after learning her husband's prophecy. She seeks therapy as she doesn't feel like Macbeth has the stomach to take the throne from Duncan. Lady Macbeth says, "I fear thy nature; It is too full o' th' milk of human kindness" (Macbeth 1.5.3-4). Lady Macbeth doesn't know how to encourage her husband to take what was promised to him.
Mine own mistress wears h'r mind.
Thanketh thee mine own cousin.
Lady Macbeth accepts her therapist's recommendation of taking command of the plan and questioning Macbeth's Manhood. The therapist wonders about the masculinity in Lady Macbeth and femininity in Macbeth. She feels like women should not be seen as more vulnerable or inferior to men. The therapist considers women should be able to do all the things that men can. They should not be penalized for being a girl.
Lady Macbeth wears the colour blue symbolizing the tears that flow down her cheeks because of her deep disappointment.....
What shouldst I doth? Mine own husband is nev'r joyous.
Lady Macbeth's second session subsequently begins after the murder of King Duncan. She feels no remorse for his death and attempts to repress her thoughts by saying, "These deeds must not be thought" (2.2.33). Only later, she realizes her hands are just as red as Macbeth's. Lady Macbeth confesses her feelings to the therapist in hopes of advice and emotional support.
After obtaining the guidance required, Lady Macbeth exits. She understands indulging in royal duties can distract her mind. Shortly after the Lady's departure, the therapist discerns something. She considers humans wear their emotions literally and show them in the way they act. She recalls Lady Macbeth's facial expressions and garment colour. The therapist recognizes her dark green garment symbolizes ambition, greed, and jealousy. Whereas her yellow garment associates with contradiction and betrayal.
The third session is emotionally the worst one yet. Lady Macbeth is feeling divided from Macbeth. She emits how he keeps to himself, and there is minimal interaction between husband and wife. She was also astounded to hear about Macbeth's plan to murder Banquo and his son. She says, "If you get what you want and you're still not happy... It's better to be the person who gets murdered than to be the killer and be tormented with anxiety" (3.2.6-9).
Tryeth to supp'rt thy husband by comf'rting that gent.
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