Victor was scowling because he saw in the magazines the models did it and they got the girls they like.
Rising action 4
Victor tried to stay later so he can bump into Terresa and say something smart and impress her but when she said hi are you, victor, he blushed and said, yep that's me.
When Victor got to his english class the teacher asked them what is a noun? someone said it was a person place or thing. The teacher asked Victor who is a person, and he said terresa. Every one laughed they knew he had a crush on terresa.
Victor went to lunch but couldn't find her so he went to the packed lunch area to find Terresa and he find her with her girlfriends. And he imagines them going to the movies and doing fun stuff on a date. after that, the bell rang and she looked at him and smiled and got her books, and left.
The french teacher asked the class if anyone could speak french and Victor said he could but when the teacher asked him to speak a little in french he whispered words that sounded french and the teacher knew he couldn't speak french.