Navigating site via one of 3 (needs to be determined by teen advisory panel) Mascot Famous person Choose your own adventure
Catchy picture or graphic here -CHD doesn't define me -Loud and Proud -Take charge of your life
Instructions and Help
My data: Checklist Portable documents - how they work
-Choose your own adventure format -Why is this app helpful -Pot. prize/certificate?
My disease: educational info tailored to you specifically
My Peeps: Mentorship program Social media -how they work
Before you continue
Choose your own adventure
CHD Academy - Educational modules
Portable documents
CHD Mentorship
Need to join before you can continue
Opening screen- need focus groups to determine what looks cool. or have a competition for teens with a prize for a pic?? focus groups on how best to flow through the app
Tailor this App for you
Disease type
Specific simple, moderate or complex CHD
what does this app do for me?
CHD University
Understanding my disease
CHD emergencies and medical management
List of options
Understanding My Disease
Am I cured?
CHD social media
Isolated small or repaired ASD/VSD; isolated AV or MV disease; ligated PDA; mild PS
Intake assessment
Assessment for TR/HL
Disease knowledge assessment
High, average, poor
High/Medium/Low for TR; Short/Long versions for HL