Lindsay Lohan was initially known for her work as a child star in the movie Parent Trap, where she played twins. She was a cute, red-headed child with freckles, and it seemed like the world was ready to embrace her.
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Lindsay’s breakout role that many remember her for was in the movie Mean Girls, where she plays a nice girl turned mean to fit in with a clique of nasty, popular girls, who then realizes the errors of her ways.
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As Lindsay grew older, however, she began to experiment with drugs and alcohol, partying often and to excess. She had several movies interrupted because she needed to go to rehab, and she missed some of her morning movie shoots from partying into all hours of the night.
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Lindsay was arrested for DUIs, reckless driving charges, jewelry theft, and other crimes. Throughout this time, she was unable to take good movie roles because she was unreliable.
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Lindsay was sentenced to time in jail several times for multiple parole violations. Due to prison overcrowding, however, she never spent more than a few hours in jail and mostly served her time on house arrest, in rehab, or doing community service.
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If I had to choose a letter to represent Lindsay Lohan, I would choose A for Addiction. It is clear that her addiction to alcohol, drugs, and partying has led her to make poor choices in her life, and has kept her once-promising career stunted.