Human Resource learning management system for a nonprofit and the LMS will be for Human Resources and workforce employees. The HR and workforce will be experienced and and asynchronistic.
M1: Human Resources and eLearning
M4: The Future of HR and eLearning
1.) The history of human resources2.) The history of Training of development3.) The history of e-learning4.) Bridging the between e-learning and human resources
M4: The Future of HR and eLearning (cont.)
M2: History and Evolution of HR
Background - Geopolitical event: My nonprofit was not prepared for pandemic. Audience -StakeholdersSocial Change - The nonprofit is to help the disadvantage and less fortunateDiversity - The nonprofit has over 100 years of diversity and inclusion. The company was built on helping the disadvantage.
The other sections of geopolitics are: Digital citizenship, learning community, and eLearning solutions.
M3: Geopolitics of Human Resources
The future of human resource eLearning-In the past, all of our training was completed in person. A few years ago, we changed to an eLearning and blended. More recently, due to the pandemic, the HR and workforce development receive their eLearning on demand for self service and annual compliance training, ethics training, and IT policy.
The organization is moving towards on-demand eLearning now and in the future, we are currently setting up on-demand learning. No one meet another person for training for future purposes, the employees will receive an email with eLearning tools attached.