Thank you for the ice cream. I have a party later on the night wanna come?
Bella theirs no party! GO AND SCRUB THE FLOORS!
Yes i would love too we can get all caught up!
Do not worry everything is going to be ok.
Do you want a reason to cry? Stop it and get to it. Your sisters need the money
Mommy i need money im going shopping.
Finish moping the store and lock up everything i do not have your time
Should i go? I mean i wont be out for so long only until midnight i have to wake up early.
Hey you made it. How did you convince your step mom to let you come?
yeah, I sneaked out witch means i need to leave in a bit.
Alright please be careful
OMG i have to go its almost midnight!
Its been such a long night i have so many missed calls from my step mother.
i wonder where is everyone at theirs no one here.
This is all your fault we lost our store because of you you werent able to remnid me when to pay all the bills
I am sorry i totally forgot.
Know because of you i have to work and make you sisters work.
The moral of the story is to treat others the way you wanna treated and never let others bring you down. Karma always comes back.
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