King Midas found silenus hiding behind a rose bush and drinking.
You are trespassing in my garden!
Silenus told king Midas that if he doesn't tell his boss then he will stay and tell king Midas strange and wonderful tales that are better than any ones he's ever heard.
I will tell you in two days.
King Midas brought silenus back to his owner.
I want to say thank you for taking care of the old satyr. so I will give you anything you want in return.
I don't know
honey what should i wish for?
King Midas is talking to his wife on what he should wish for.
Hello King Midas. How about another mermaid.
Hey Susie. I still can't think of what to wish for.
Can I make a wish? I wish for a golden touch.
King Midas goes to Dionysus to make his wish.
Sure. Ok
King Midas tests out his golden touch and turns the rose bushes gold.
"What will happen when I eat?"
King Midas tries to eat but his food turns to gold.
King Midas's daughter ran in the room to hug him.
"What have I done to you?"
King Midas turns his daughter to gold.
"Forgive my stupid greed." "Tell me what I must do to save my child. I will do anything you say."