Im going to ask the Dionysus for the golden touch.
"I will give you the golden touch but you have to be careful.."
"I need no instructions!"
I will be the most powerful, rich King in the world
"What have i done to my daughter!"
"Hurry Hurry I need to fix this before it is permanent."
"Find the river, pactolus and wash in its waters
"Forgive my stupid greed... tell me what i must do to save my child. I will do anything you say"
"the terrible power has left me, the rock is not gold'
This story begins with a greedy king that wants to be the most powerful and rich king in the world. He gets the golden touch and finds out that it's a curse. He turned his daughter to gold and begged for the curse to be lifted from him. He washed in the river of pactolus and the curse was lifted. In the end of this story he was happy to hear his daughters laughter as he returned home.