After evaluating your child, we believe that he has Down Syndrome
No! That's not possible! How did this happen?
Down Syndrome is a genetic disorder that is caused when a person is born with an extra chromosome. This extra chromosome causes problems with the way they develop mentally and physically. This could have happened to anyone, there are many families who have children with Down Syndrome. I'm going to refer you to a social worker to help you get through this
We're going to get through this together. After all, this is still our little boy
This is our first child, I can't believe this happened to us
Hi, I'm Dr. Lee. I'm the person you can contact to acquire information about potential resources for your family
Welcome Home!
Look what the neighbours put up for us!
I think I should take a leave of absence from work to take care of our son
It's alright, we're going to make this work
A Few Months Later...
Baby Crying
I don't even know what to do anymore, I can't handle this!
This is your fault! You were the one that wanted to start a family
I'm so stressed, I feel like my marriage is falling apart because of this baby!
Stop complaining about it and do something! I'm tired of hearing you whine about this child
Hi mom! I just wanted to call you to make sure you can still babysit on Monday morning?
Of course! Anything to help you guys out
A Year Later...
I think it's time to go home..
What's wrong with that kid?! Why does his face look like that?
He looks scary!
These bills are getting expensive!
Three Years Later...
I've been doing research and I noticed that there are some really good programs to support Justin's development, but they're in the city
So should we consider moving?
A Couple Weeks Later
What kind of programs are available for Justin?
There are many schools in this area that foster positive attitudes, implement inclusion and support each child's needs
I'm glad we finally chose a school!
Later That Night
I'm so excited to meet Justin's teacher tomorrow!
Welcome! We're extremely happy you chose our school for your son
At our school, we believe in setting high expectations for all children. We promote teaching styles that will best endorse your child's needs. We will enforce rules and routines to help your child become independent, while still maintaining one-to-one support
How's Justin adjusting?
He had some difficulties at the beginning, but after observing him we have contacted additional resources to help him. We're bringing in a speech and language pathologist, and a resource teacher to help improve his development
A Few Months Later
Justin! It's time to go home
Mama! Good day!
Later That Night
Who's going to take care of me now...?
Justin's Moms Dream
Mom & Dad 1986-2059
Oh my goodness! That was a horrible dream
My biggest fear is who's going to take care of Justin when my husband an I are gone
Try not to worry about that right now. Spend time with your son, when that issue arises there are many centers that can provide care for Justin
We love you too, honey
I'm so happy to be home! I love you guys so much!
Even though it's been hard at times, with all the help we have received we've been able to get through this and I wouldn't change our family for the world
Cherry on Top
I agree, we're going to try and provide Justin with the best possible life he could have
The End
"You don't have a right to the cards you believe you should have been dealt You have an OBLIGATION to play the hell out of the ones you're holding" -Cheryl Strayed
"A priceless new BEGINNING always occurs at the point you thought would be the end of everything" - Marc Morgenstern