Storyboard Description
This storyboard describes my life and the significant changes that have affected my life. It begins with my upbringing in a small coal mining town of Pennsylvania called Tamaqua. After graduating in 1989 in knew that to accomplish something in life I needed to get out of this town. I left for the Air Force that summer, attended and graduated from Basic Training in August 1989 and from there attended Medical Technician training were later I would excel and become a Special Operations Medic. After spending a large amount of time within the Special Operations community I knew that I needed a change and put in to become a Combat Controller. I spent slightly over two years within CCT only to eventually be medically removed and placed within Air Traffic Control which I would retire out of. I then obtaining an Air Traffic Control position with the FAA where I worked in Southern California for five years only to eventually be medically retired. It was at this time that my wife and I discussed teaching since I had always had a passion for teaching while I was in the military, so here I am today...after slightly over a year of substitute teaching and a long term substitute teaching position in 5th grade. I am now about to take over that class as a fulltime 5th grade teacher. I couldn't be happier and thoroughly enjoy the twists and turns within my life.
Now that I am teaching and even with my past experiences, I've always felt that communication is paramount. To effectively get your point across as a teacher you need to communicate effectively. Effective communication deals with your verbal skills or speaking clearly and at an appropriate speed, non verbal skills which is effective eye contact and body language, receiving and providing feedback whether positive or negative, classroom organization, and use of appropriate technology to assist in getting the point or topic across while keeping the interest of your students. Again, for me communication is a crucial skill to develop and master.