corpotron music full two seconds in black then fade up animated logo music remains full
Gym Sequence
COVER VIDEO 1132 16:0022 AUDIO INDIE VO IN I'm a medical OUT: divorcee MUSIC Corportron prodded down
Gym Sequence
COVER VIDEO 1123 TS nails :24 - 1:09 lat pull down MUSIC FULL Corportron
Gym Sequence
COVER VIDEO 1145 14:29 moves forward :1824 gooTS of back lat pull down DOC INDIE VO: SOT IN: But before OUT: arbitrarily MUSIC Corportron podded down under
DOC INDIE VO SOT IN: Wellness includes having a healthy body
VIDEO 1150 CAMERA PAN DOWNS FROM CEILING DOC INDIE ON CAMERA IN: 1:53 Ladies. Resistance weight training is very important for our health cover jump cut DOC INDIE ON CAMERA IN: Especially as we age
Gym Sequence
Gym Sequence
Doc Indie's Path to Healthy Living: It's More than Meets the Mind "Wellness for women must have spiritual and mental components"
VIDEO 1150 or 1154 ARM EXERCISE DOC INDIE VO: SOT IN: All of us can stop musle OUT: a little more of this MUSIC Corportron fades out
Garden Sequence
VIDEO 1139 DOC INDIE VO: SOT IN: But physical healht OUT: for wellness
Garden Sequence
White letters over black background MUSIC CHANGE and FULL BACKGROUND MUSIC Up for 5 seconds fade to next scene 1st words of VO under this screen
Doc Indie's Path to Healthy Living: It's More than Meets the Mind "Creating calmness from chaos is possible"
Video 1160 TS flowering bush 48:17:06 DOC INDIE VO SOT IN: Your heart and spirit OUT: other components in your life MUSIC: Background Music podded down under VO
Video 1160 TS flowering bush 48:17:06 DOC INDIE VO SOT IN: Ignoring that face OUT: overall wellness plan MUSIC: Background Music pods out with words
White letters over black background MUSIC CHANGE and FULL BACKGROUND MUSIC Up for 5 seconds fade to next scene 1st words of VO under this screen
Hammock Sequence
Doc Indie's Path to Healthy Living: It's More than Meets the Mind "Food is fuel for your mind"
Kitchen Sequence
Video 1163 :46 - out of focus zoom DOC INDIE VO SOT IN: An unsettled mind does OUT: what you eat MUSIC: Background Music pods out with words
Kitchen Sequence
White letters over black background MUSIC CHANGE and FULL BACKGROUND MUSIC Up for 5 seconds fade to next scene 1st words of VO under this screen
Video 1183 1:51:07 DOC INDIE ON CAMERA SPEAKING 1:33:14 - 1:45:22 INCUE: Today we're going to saute OUT: fuel for our minds Funeregy music fades out
Office sequence
Video 1183 1:51:07 DOC INDIE ON CAMERA SPEAKING NO AUDIO FROM DOC INDIE MUSIC NATURAL SOUND FULL 2:29:27 One piece of broccoli in pan she lifts and swirls 2:29:18 adds other pieces GREAT SIZZLE Funeregy music fades out
White letters over black background MUSIC CHANGE and FULL BACKGROUND MUSIC Up for 5 seconds fade to next scene 1st words of VO under this screen
Doc Indie's Path to Healthy Living: It's More than Meets the Mind "Attitude isn't everything, but it's more important than you think"
Video 1174 1:21:21-1:32:26 (available) COVER VIDEO Closes laptop, hangs up coat and leaves DOC INDIE AUDIO VO: IN: As a hospital internist OUT::all interrelated
CLOSING VO and Class List
Doc Indie's Path to HealthyLiving etc
DOC INDIE VO IN I am medical doctor Indie Jones OUTCUE: concepts on healthy living MUSIC FULL CORPORTRON
DOC INDIE VO (continued from previous) Where there is always more than Meets the Mind please time music C)RPORTRON to end on last note