Lesson Plans by Richard Cleggett, Matt Campbell, and John Gillis
The Holocaust was a 20th century genocide of staggering proportions. Over the course of twelve years, the Nazi Party brutally and systematically killed nearly six million Jews and five million other victims. It remains a profoundly tragic chapter of world history. It also remains an important part of history for students to study in order to better understand World War 2 and even current events.
The Holocaust Timeline The History of the Holocaust
Storyboard Text
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Treaty of Versailles
We agree to pay $132 billion gold marks for starting WW1.
The Treaty of Versailles was the treaty that brought an end to World War I. Germany was forced to admit full responsibility for starting the war. Germany was forced to pay reparations for their belligerence, forbidden from creating an air force, or having an army over 100,000 soldiers.
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Mein Kampf Published
Mein Kampf was a widely-read political manifesto by Adolph Hitler. Hitler’s work outlined his goals to bring Germany out of its current humiliated state. While in prison, Hitler argued that Germany’s struggles were caused by the Jewish race. In order to save Germany, it would need to “purify” itself from Jewish “parasites”.
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Hitler Becomes Chancellor of Germany
Hitler was chosen as Chancellor of Germany. Hitler’s plan was to quickly create a unified one-party state. Hitler ordered an expansion of a state police force that would seek out political opponents to his National Socialist, or “Nazi”, party.
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Anti-Jewish Boycott
David's Market
On this day, the Nazis carried out a nationwide boycott of Jewish businesses throughout Germany. Jewish businessmen had their stores and offices blocked by the Nazi Stormtroopers (SA). Although the boycott lasted one day, it represents the first government-ordered actions against Jews.
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Jewish Book Burning
The Nazi German Student Association burned any and all works of literature that were seen as “un-German”. All works by Jews, regardless of topic, were burned, along with any other work that stood in the way of the new German ideology.
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Nuremberg Laws
Nuremberg Race Laws9.15.1935
1. A Jew cannot be a citizen of the Reich. He has no right to vote in political affairs, and he cannotoccupy a public office.2. A Jew is anyone who descended from at least three grandparents who were fully Jewish byrace.3. The Führer and Reich Chancellor can grant exemptions from the regulations laid down in thelaw.4. Jewish civil servants will retire as of 31.
The Führer and Reich Chancellor Adolf HitlerThe Reich Minister of the Interior FrickThe Deputy of the Führer R. Hess
The Nazi government enacted a series of laws that reflected Hitler’s aims of purifying Germany of Jews. These laws revoked German citizenship from Jews and outlawed intermarriage and relations between Germans and Jews.
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The Eternal Jew Exhibit Opens
Nazi Propaganda Minister Josef Goebbels opened his Anti-Semitic Exhibition known as Der Ewige Jude, or “The Eternal Jew”, in the German Library in Munich. This anti-Semitic exhibit was seen by over 400,000 people, and attempted to convince viewers of Jewish conspiracies to cripple the German state.
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Kristallnacht, otherwise known as the “Night of Broken Glass”, was the name given to the violent and destructive acts that took place throughout Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Sudenland. Over a span of a day, 267 synagogues and numerous Jewish-owned businesses were damaged or destroyed.
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Warsaw Ghetto Established
On this date, the Nazi government enacted numerous laws that forbid Jews from much of society. Jews in Warsaw were to be confined in an enclosed in Ghetto. Jews throughout Poland were forced to Warsaw, and the population of Jews quickly became 500,000. Following their confinement, many Jews were deported to concentration camps.