Antisocial Personality Disorder has Roots in Childhood
Family life is no good. Kids are making fun of me. I don't like being bullied.
Callous-unemotional Traits Significant
ADHD Frequently Co-Exists with CD
It's not my fault!
Recognizing Disruptive Behavior Disorders
Sometimes I think everyone is right.
Early Diagnosis is Needed
Maybe I do need to talk to someone.
surroundings Affect Outcome
I think everyone is just ganging up on me.
This is no fun!
*Usually Male*Genetic Component*Household Environment*Positive/Negative Reinforcement*Greater Odds*Display Lack of Emotion or Empathy-ASPD/Callous and Unemotional
*Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Coexists with CD*Callous-Unemotional Traits Have Genetic Factor*Child with CD May or May Not Exhibit Signs of CU*Possible Precursor*Exploration Needed*CD Usually in Boys, but Girls Sometimes Diagnosed After Adolescence
Why do people say something's wrong with me?
*ADHD Often Co-Exists with Conduct Disorder*ADHD Usually Diagnosed Earlier than CD*CU is Useful Predictor for ASPD*ADHD & CD Often Progress to ASPD & Criminal Acts*CU Traits-Genetics, Family Instability, Low Income Status, & Harsh Parenting Techniques
*Disruptive Behavior Disorders Often ID'd by Mental Health Providers as Either CD or Oppositional Defiant Disorder*Child Making Bad Choices Requires Intervention*Repeated Bad Choices and Disruptive Behavior Disorder Risk for ASPD*MRI Sees Neural Responses in Brain*Abnormal Response and Decision-Making Abilities*Greater Risk for Poor Decision Making and Repeated Bad Choices
Households Where Mother is Depressed & Antisocial*Child Experiences More Physical and Mental Trauma*Additional Risk for Psychological & Behavioral Dysfunctions*Girls Especially Need Early Diagnosis for CD to Impact Her Future and Future Generations
Links to CD* Parents' Comorbidities Affect Child*Family Environment*Household Income, Substance or Alcohol Use, Issues with Hunger, Domestic Violence, Single Parent Household, Amount of Social Support, Negative Parenting
Hierarchical Development for CD Linked with ASPD*CD Often Preceded by ADHD or ODD, Substance or Alcohol Abuse*Comorbid Conditions Including Internalizing Disorders Along with CD Suggests Higher Risk for ASPD* ADHD May be Indicative for CD and Exacerbate into ASPD*Any Underlying Emotional Problem should be Explored in Childhood