C.U. Hand conducting (foreground) Band (out of focus background). Hand enters/exits frame
C.Us of Paul's anatomy cut with instruments in quick succession. Reaching Crescendo
E.C.U. - Paul's eyes watching the Band. Shown across different shots in edit. Last shot is eyes smiling
Orchestrating A Trance
Section i.Are you powerful?
WIDE: Behind Paul, he begins rehearsals. We see Band gather their instruments and start.
HANDHELD Conducting hand shot. PAN UP, revealing Paul's face Conducting (inaudible), TIGHT. V.O. Paul answers question on power, Conducting.
OBSERVATIONAL: Paul Conducts rehearsals. Gives feedback. V.O. answer to question based on Relationship with authority.
MID-SHOT, Paul gives feedback to band. V.O. answer continues
C.U. Conducting Hand
Empty rehearsal room. V.O. Answer continues.
Interview. C.U. of Paul's hands. Then mid-shot of Paul. Speaks about time as a Conductor, start in music, how to lead.
OBSERVATIONAL: See rehearsal uninterrupted.
QUICK E.C.U.s of Paul conducting
Interview. Mid-shot of Paul. Concludes Answer. CUT TO BLACK.
Section ii.Creating power
OBSERVE, MID-SHOT - Band enters, setting up music sheets, instruments, gathering for practice. V.O. Paul answers Q on leading a team.
MEDIUM WIDE BEHIND Paul, almost O.S. - Paul (out of focus) observing Band (in focus). C.Us (maybe slow-mo) - Various Band Members look up at Paul.
INTERVIEW (new location) - Paul continues speaking about specific approach to nurturing the team, nears conclusion.
OBSERVE: Band preparing before Bridgewater Concert. nervous, but jovial
Rehearsal: Paul gives feedback to band. He cracks a joke, everything laughs. V.O. Paul speaks about levity in leadership
C.Us (maybe slow-mo) - Band members laughing during rehearsals. V.O. Paul talks about bringing different personalities together.
PAN (ON SLIDER), MID-SHOT - Musicians playing or preparing. V.O. Concludes.
Section iii.We are powerful
WIDE. Behind Paul; SLOW PUSH-IN - Conductor in front of Band. V.O. Paul answers Q about feeling proud of Band as a team.
SIDE PROFILE OF STAGE, PERFORMANCE. BRIDGEWATER CONCERT - Band Conductor are ABOVE US, performing original music.
C.U. - Paul smiling at Members. V.O. Paul reflects on successes of band.
INTERVIEW (new location) - Paul continues answer. Talks about his own role in creating end result.
HAND HELD - Focus on various members, playing instruments
HAND HELD C.U. - Hands conducting. Instruments being played
OBSERVE - Band play. V.O. Paul reaches close of answer. Power dynamic gone, Conductor is nothing without a good band
E.C.Us (maybe slow-mo) - Paul smiles, Band members smile
WIDE, SLOW PULL-OUT - Band in front of Conductor V.O. Crescendo reached.
Image Attributions:834980 (https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-holding-white-musical-note-sheets-834980/) - Kacper Cybinski - License: Free To Use / No Attribution Required / See https://www.pexels.com/license/ for what is not allowed (https://pixabay.com/en/saxophone-music-gold-gloss-546303/) - schuetz-mediendesign - License: Free for Commercial Use / No Attribution Required (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0)6168179 (https://pixabay.com/photos/music-book-music-sheet-musical-notes-6168179/) - Ri_Ya - License: Free for Most Commercial Use / No Attribution Required / See https://pixabay.com/service/license/ for what is not allowed8241577 (https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-woman-in-tank-top-sitting-on-the-yoga-mat-8241577/) - ?????? ?????? - License: Free To Use / No Attribution Required / See https://www.pexels.com/license/ for what is not allowed