My parents send me to a private medicine school for 100.000 €.
Let's watch Christian Lindner interviewing himself on "Plolitik"!
It has always been a pleasure to listen to you. Sometimes, it was entertaining, sometimes it broadened my horizon, and sometimes, it even inspired me to reflect my own point of view.
Am I from the US?
Tailor Swift
Willem - who cut music on a dubious Russian website for his teacher - and Moritz - randomly chosen as nickname in Kahoot-quizzes like Dulleck GmbH or MohriMöhrchen by the others - outdid everybody else by leaps and bounds when it came to drama - Gudiya and Mr Shantaram from "Slumdog Millionaire"
Before Christmas, we enjoyed baking scones in 2021 and cooking Indian curry in February 2023 in the school kitchen.I learned a lot about you, and you helped me out with lots of things (arm warmers, Maths, cutting music, photo shows, ...).
And last but not least, we even had time to play silly games like "Who am I?" or "Taboo" and "Activity"