Background - Based on Zimbardo's stanford prison experiment to see why normal people carry out acts of tyranny when given power
The study of Zimbardo was unethical so Reicher and Haslam conducted their own and created a reality TV show out of it for the BBC
To see whether people can conform to social roles, Reicher and Haslam wanted to examine conditions that lead to changes in behaviour of a group.
Time series IV - Permeability of role: Guard were told they were selected on certain criteria e.g. reliability/trustworthy. The participants were told the tests weren't reliable so on the 3rd day of experiment could be promoted to being a guard. guards had to observe behaviour to see who was worthy of the promotion - Legitimacy of roles: on day 6 prisoners were told there were no real differences between prisoners and guards - cognitive alternative: On day 4 a new prisoner was chosen because of his background as a Trade Union official
Aim & time series IV
Aim - To provide detailed data on developing interactions between two groups of unequal power and privilege
Ethics & Dv - participants were tested on...
Harm was reduced in a number of ways: - BPS committee sanctioned the study - There was a 3 phase testing - 2 independent clinical psychologists monitored the prison at all times - Paramedics were on standby - One site security guard - Round the clock independent ethics committee
Daily swabs of saliva were taken to ascertain cortisol levels and participants could video and audi record themselves
Social variable - social identification, awareness of cognitive alternatives, right-wing authoritarianism Organisational variable - compliance with rules, organisational citizenship Clinical variable - self-efficacy, depression
27 people were chosen and the final 15 chosen to ensure a diversity of age/social class/ethnicity.
332 people recruited
This was divided into 5 groups of 3 people matched on personality variables
Medical and character references were obtained and police checks conducted
Completed a battery of psychometric tests that measured both social variables and clinical variables
Underwent a full weekend assessment by independent clinical psychologists
from each group of 3, 1 was randomly selected as a guard the other 2 prisoners
Prison environment - Elstree studios with 3-person cells > showers which was separate from the guard's quarters that had a dormitory, bathroom and mess room. The guards had an observation post to monitor the prisoners Entrance and delivery areas were separate from main prison areas by sliding, lockable steel mesh grilles.
Prisoners were given uniform for: . Lack of self-identity . Reduce individual uniqueness . To enhance group identity . Encourage group cohesion . Make them feel inferior
Guards were given uniform to: . Enhance group identity . Encourage group cohesion . To make them feel superior . Reduce individuality so guards got into their role
Prisoners: . T-shirt with 3 digit number . Loose trousers . Flimsy sandals . Shaved head on arrival
8 days
5 guards
Procedure pt 1
guards were invited to a hotel evening before study began, were shown prison timetable and told responsibilities to ensure prison ran as smoothly as possible
On morning of the study guards were taken in a blacked-out van to the prison and briefed on prison layout and resources available to them
R&H worked with the BBC and examined the behaviour of 15 participants over 8 days
Qualitative data was gathered through observations made via audio/video recordings which allowed researchers to gather info about guards/prisoner's thoughts and feelings
Asked to draw up a set of rules and punishments however had to abide by ethical rules that o physical violence could be used.
Guards then changed into their swell-made 'guard' uniform
Procedure pt 2
Assigned 3 to a cell
Announcement was made that introduced permeability intervention: prisoners were told that guards had been selected because of certain personality characteristics and if similar traits were shown then they may get promoted to be a guard
By day 8 an authoritarian system of inequality was about to start but went against ethical constraints so study was stopped
Guards: . Well-made uniform . Formal trousers . Shirt and tie . Superior food and extra snacks . Superior living conditions
9 prisoners
9 prisoners arrived one at a time and on arrival had heads shaved off
They were given no other information apart from prison rules, list of prisoner rights and uniform
One prisoner was promoted on day 3 then after that no more were allowed
On day 6 prisoners were told that there was no actual difference between guards and prisoners so the groups were therefore not legitimate
On day 4, prisoner 10 was introduced to provide cognitive alternatives as he was a trade union official so may have the skills to negotiate and organise collectivist action